MEET THE CHEF: Jon Sterrett of or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Hilton Hotels

Tripveel sat down with Executive Chef Jon Sterrett of or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Executive Chef Jon Sterrett of or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Executive Chef Jon Sterrett of or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Where did you grow up and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I was born in Florida, but I've lived in Pittsburgh for most of my life. I have been deeply influenced by several chefs throughout my career; however, I think the biggest impact on my cooking philosophy came from my trips to Chicago, where I experienced attention to detail at an inspiring level.

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself. 

I originally went to school for computer design and animation, and did not go to culinary school. I started out "cooking" at McDonald's, then I got a dishwashing job at a small restaurant and began the long climb up the ladder from there. Despite my inconsistent training schedule that takes a back seat to my demanding career, I still maintain a 1000+ pound powerlifting total.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already. 

I don't really have one absolute favorite food, it changes so often. I always go for odd flavor combinations. Often times you'll have a few ingredients that won't make sense together, but with proper technique and the right ratios you can achieve something totally sublime. I'm also a huge fan of chewy textures, which some people find off-putting. Mochi ice cream is a treat that I will excitedly enjoy while my wife watches in disgust.

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Salt, eggs and sherry vinegar.

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

Finding that balance of capturing the personality of the components and how it should eat, and quieting the left side of the brain and just letting the ingredients flow onto the plate.

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

It was a summer dish, which will definitely be finding its way onto our menu when the season allows for it: Marinated and compressed watermelon with toasted pistachios, ricotta salata, basil oil and sweet soy sauce. It was plated so that it resembled a piece of seared tuna. The most common reaction was, "Um, that's not what I ordered."

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Share your most recent awards and accreditations with us! 

The only award I've received was when I won first place in my judged course at the most recent “Steel Chef Challenge,” though I look forward to adding to that.

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

A return to more primal cooking techniques, along with embracing ancient preservation methods.

What’s your favorite cocktail or liquor?

The Laphroaig Triple Wood. It's a beautiful savory and smokey scotch that holds a very special place in my heart.

What do you love about being the Executive Chef at or, The Whale at The Distrikt Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania?

Just the opportunity that it presents. The identity of the restaurant allows for a great deal of creative freedom, and we have an incredible staff that is very passionate about what they do. Plus, the mural that greets you when you first walk in the door is inspiring!


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