Where Are the Best Places to Visit in Oaxaca, Mexico?

In the foothills of the Sierra Madre del Sur, Oaxaca is a city that vibrantly embodies Mexico's rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Known for its colonial architecture, bustling markets, and vibrant festivals, Oaxaca offers a sensory journey through history, art, and gastronomy. Here's why a visit to Oaxaca is an immersion into the heart of Mexican culture.

things to do in oaxaca mexico

Image: Oaxaca, Mexico

Oaxaca is a city that enchants and inspires, offering a rich tapestry of experiences that blend history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you're exploring its colonial architecture, savoring its culinary delights, discovering its vibrant arts scene, or participating in its colorful festivals, Oaxaca invites you to experience the heart and soul of Mexico. This dynamic and welcoming city promises an unforgettable journey that will leave you captivated and eager to return.

A Tapestry of History + Architecture

Oaxaca’s historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a delightful maze of cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and charming plazas. Start your exploration at the Zócalo, the city's main square, where you can enjoy the lively atmosphere filled with street musicians, vendors, and locals going about their day. The square is surrounded by stunning colonial buildings, including the majestic Oaxaca Cathedral.

Just a short walk away is the Church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture. Its lavishly decorated interior, filled with intricate gold leaf designs and religious art, is a testament to the city's rich colonial past. Adjacent to the church is the former monastery, now the Museo de las Culturas de Oaxaca, which houses an impressive collection of artifacts from the region’s pre-Hispanic and colonial periods.

A Culinary Paradise

Oaxaca is often hailed as the culinary capital of Mexico, offering a gastronomic adventure that is both diverse and deeply rooted in tradition. The city's markets, such as Mercado 20 de Noviembre and Mercado Benito Juárez, are culinary treasure troves where you can sample local delicacies like tlayudas (Oaxacan-style pizzas), memelas (thick corn tortillas topped with beans, cheese, and salsa), and chapulines (crispy grasshoppers).

One of Oaxaca's most famous culinary exports is mole, a rich, complex sauce made from a blend of chiles, spices, chocolate, and various other ingredients. There are several varieties of mole, each with its own unique flavor profile. Try mole negro or mole rojo at traditional restaurants like Casa Oaxaca or Los Danzantes for an authentic taste of the region.

Don't miss the chance to visit a mezcalería and sample mezcal, Oaxaca’s traditional distilled spirit made from the agave plant. Learn about the artisanal production process and savor the smoky, earthy flavors that make this drink so distinctive.

Art + Craftsmanship

Oaxaca is a hub for artisans and artists, with a vibrant creative scene that reflects the region's indigenous heritage and contemporary influences. Visit the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca (MACO) to explore contemporary art exhibitions featuring works by local and international artists.

The city's markets and galleries are also filled with beautiful handicrafts, from intricate textiles and colorful pottery to finely crafted silver jewelry and traditional wooden alebrijes (fantastical animal sculptures). Head to the nearby towns of Teotitlán del Valle for exquisite handwoven rugs and San Bartolo Coyotepec for stunning black pottery.

Festivals + Traditions

Oaxaca's cultural calendar is packed with vibrant festivals that showcase the region’s rich traditions. The Guelaguetza, held in July, is one of the most important cultural events in Oaxaca, bringing together indigenous communities from across the state to celebrate their music, dance, and traditional costumes.

Another highlight is the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) celebrations in late October and early November. The city's cemeteries and streets come alive with colorful altars, marigold flowers, and candlelight as families honor their deceased loved ones with offerings of food, drinks, and mementos.

Natural Beauty + Adventure

Beyond its cultural riches, Oaxaca is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes that offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventure. Visit the Hierve el Agua, a set of natural rock formations and mineral springs that create stunning petrified waterfalls. The site also offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

For a more immersive experience, explore the ancient ruins of Monte Albán, a pre-Columbian archaeological site located just a few kilometers from the city. Once the capital of the Zapotec civilization, Monte Albán features impressive pyramids, terraces, and tombs that provide a fascinating glimpse into the region’s ancient history.

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