MEET THE CHEF: Zane Holmquist of Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah

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5 Reasons to Visit® sat down with Executive Chef Zane Holmquist of Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah.


Executive Chef Zane Holmquist of Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah

Where did you grow up, and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I grew up in Salt Lake City and Park City, Utah. I moved away right after school and I've lived and worked in New York, Hawaii, California and Utah. I have traveled extensively through the United States, Mexico, Canada and Europe. These have all been impactful on my style of food and management.


Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself.

I did a traditional apprenticeship with the ACF program. I also had some amazing mentors and I grew up learning to cook from chefs with an old school approach to work and work ethic. They instilled traditional techniques and styles but also trained me to be bold and innovative. My work ethic was also instilled in me by my parents and grandparents. If you love what you do, it is not work, you get up every day and push forward regardless. The heart of my career has been based on my work ethic, commitment to the teams I work with and a passion to create experiences for guests.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already.

One of my go-to comfort foods are my grandmother's Swedish meatballs. I grew up eating them as a kid and we always had them for holidays and special events. I added to our Troll Hallen Lounge menu about 12 years ago and they have been a guest favorite ever since. I also made them into a Swedish Meatball Pizza in our Champion's Club.


Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Shallots, garam masala and bacon.

Neiman Marcus

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

I think the best dishes are not overly complicated and don't have dozens of ingredients and flavors. Quality products prepared with proper technique are the basis of a great dish. I do believe it's fun to paint a picture of a dish for the guest when they read the menu but when the dish arrives, all of the flavors they are anticipating are there but perhaps presented in a way that is different than expected. I also think some of the best dishes I have ever created have been collaborative with the chefs and cooks in the kitchen.


Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

One of my favorites was a dish I created years ago—Cider Braised Wild Turkey Leg Ravioli made with buckwheat pasta, celery-apple broth and blue cheese espuma finished with garam masala walnuts. I was working on a fall/holiday event and wanted to have some influences but not seem like a Thanksgiving dish. I love the rich flavor of wild turkey, which can be tough but this preparation allowed me to bring the flavor of the turkey into the dish and work around the texture with the braising.


Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah

What is one of your greatest accomplishments and/or recent awards you've earned?

I believe my greatest accomplishment is the impact I have had on hundreds of young cooks and chefs. Helping people develop the skills and the confidence to be successful in the kitchen, to find a career for themselves, the find personal reward and to take care of their families. If you can't teach, you can't be a chef—it’s very simple.

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

I have never found culinary trends particularly important for what we are doing for our guests. I very much enjoy dining and seeing what other chefs are doing but I always look deeper into the food and try to find the heart of the cuisine or the chef rather than what trends may be floating on the top. I always start with quality ingredients and care for the ingredients using sound techniques.

Hilton Hotels

What’s your favorite cocktail or beverage of choice?

I generally drink beers—IPAs mostly. If I have a cocktail, I'll always try something interesting with Mezcal.

Neiman Marcus

What do you love most about being the Corporate Executive Chef of Glitretind at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah?

I love the team members I work with—the diversity, passion and commitment that our team has for taking care of our guests is my favorite part of the job. I also enjoy making an impact on our guests and being a part of those big memorable dining expeirnece as well as the simple meals. Every time we cook for a guest we have an impact on them—its great when people come back and tell us they have been dining with us for decades and their trip to Park City would not be complete without a Stein's Burger or a trip to Sunday Brunch.

Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd.

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