MEET THE CHEF: Deepak Mishra of The Langham Hotel, Melbourne

Tripveel sat down with Chef Deepak Mishra of The Langham Melbourne.

Chef Deepak Mishra, The Langham, Melbourne

Chef Deepak Mishra, The Langham, Melbourne

Tripveel: Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already.

Chef Mishra: My favourite food is royal spiced cured salmon with calamansi lime curd and cardamom compressed watermelon. It’s worth trying as it’s mix of textures and flavours that together is a perfect marriage of sweet, tart, smooth and unexpected. Calamansi limes are my favourite as they have a distinct fruity and citrus taste.

Tripveel: When did you get your calling to become a chef?

Chef Mishra: Ever since I was at school I’ve always loved to cook. My mother is my original inspiration as I used to watch her cook before I took over in the kitchen when I came home from school.

Tripveel: What are 3 ingredients you couldn’t live without?

Chef Mishra: I could not live without foie gras, truffles and duck fat. Yes, you could call me a Francophile!


Tripveel: We love plating. Does designing the perfect dish give you a rush?

Chef Mishra: I really enjoy the plating up part of cooking. I always say to my team that we eat with our eyes first!

Tripveel: What’s one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

Chef Mishra: One of my most recent successful dishes was a plate of royal spice and vodka-cured ocean trout with calamansi lime gel, fennel-infused heirloom beetroot and mastic pressed melon with whipped goat’s curd, it was a triumph of flavours and became an instant must-try dish.

Tripveel: Share your most recent awards and accreditations with us!

Chef Mishra: I feel very humbled as Paul Bocuse has died. I am proud to be part of the judging panel for the Australian team for Bocuse D’Or.


Tripveel: What’s the latest trend in molecular gastronomy?

Chef Mishra: I’ve noticed lately that molecular gastronomy is constantly evolving and I’m witnessing more experimentation with  crumb, foam, powders and gels.

Tripveel: Where have you traveled that inspires you the most?

Chef Mishra: I am very inspired by all of Switzerland and South East Asia as well as what’s happening in Paris and London. I always race back to the kitchen full of ideas and inspiration.

Tripveel: What’s your favorite cocktail?

Chef Mishra: My all time favourite cocktail is a mojito with calamansi lime, yes, you could say I’m obsessed with these limes!

Tripveel: What do you love about being the Executive Chef at The Langham, Melbourne?

Chef Mishra: What I love about being the Executive Chef at The Langham, Melbourne is creating memorable dishes using the freshest, locally sourced produce from regional Victoria. We’re truly spoiled in this region, particularly for cheese and seasonal fruit and vegetables.


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