Deano’s Italian In Dublin, Georgia: Meet The Owner

We sat down with Owner Jennifer Shaffer of Deano’s Italian in Dublin, Georgia. This beloved establishment is celebrated for its Southern-inspired Italian cuisine, showcasing dishes that utilize fresh, local ingredients in every bite. Savor a diverse Italian menu that ranges from comforting classics to bold, innovative creations, each artfully plated.

Deano’s Italian in Athens Georgia reviews

Image: Deano’s Italian in Dublin, Georgia

Where did you grow up and where have you traveled to that contributed to you opening your own restaurant?

I grew up in Yonkers, New York in a restaurant family. My first real job was in a Pizzeria. I loved seeing the people smile as I handed their food to them. During that same summer I began working at a tennis club where I served part time in the catering department. I loved seeing people’s reactions as I put the beautiful plates down in front of them and heard the oohs and ahhs. I remember missing out on playing with my friends so that I could watch Julia Child and Yan Can Cook on PBS after school. I knew from as far back as the 3rd grade that I would be in the restaurant/catering industry when I grew up.

best italian restaurant georgia

Image: Deano’s Italian in Dublin, Georgia

I have traveled all over the world, and still to this day, I clap when my food arrives at the table. There is something magical about the smell, the beautiful colors and textures, and of course the taste. You can always tell when someone created a dish with love, it comes through like an arrow to the palette.

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself that reflects your management style?

I grew up in a large family where all of the aunts and uncles lived on the same street. Our front door opened at 8 in the morning and closed at 8 in the evening. There were always extras around the dining room table and my mother never turned anyone away. That’s how we run our family restaurant. You are family from the moment you walk through the door and we will never turn you away for any reason.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already?

At Deano’s it’s a toss up. The meatballs are my dad’s recipe and I have the greatest memories when I eat them. They are very sentimental to me. Oddly enough, my second favorite is the Horseradish Crusted Salmon. I have been making that recipe the same way for over 25 years. It’s simple and fresh with a little kick.

Can you walk us through your experience in developing and maintaining a “strong team dynamic” among restaurant staff?

We are working owners at Deano’s. We clean toilets, wash dishes, cook food, serve your meals and drinks and clean up when you are gone. There is no job that we don’t do right alongside our staff. They know that we have their backs and they have ours. We are not only a team, but we are a family. We encourage our staff to get to know our customers, to sit with them when they have time and get to really know them. Some of our staff have been with us for over a decade. You also see a mom and her kids working side by side in the restaurant. Friends bring their friends in to work and are responsible for training them and making sure that they are committed to the high level of service expectations that have been rooted in Deano’s over the past 16 years.

In your opinion, what factors contribute to excellent customer service?

You have to genuinely care about your customer. If you see them as just another dollar, they can feel it and won’t come back. We have a saying in the restaurant. “WWJD - What would Jenn do?” The staff knows how I treat people, and they in turn reflect that same care. Good customer service, honest communication, and genuine care for your customers is what creates a great restaurant atmosphere.


What are 3 key characteristics you look for when hiring staff?

  1. You have to love the business, if you don’t you shouldn’t be in it. We do a working interview, you get to work for 5 shifts and then we decide together if the business is for you or not.

  2. We are all a team, you are not the title you were hired for. Just because you are a busser, doesn’t mean that you aren’t a host or server.

  3. It’s a physical and emotional business, it’s long hours and it’s hard on your body. You have to be up for the task both physically and mentally.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments or recent awards you've earned?

The fact that we are still standing after 16 years with returning customers on a daily basis, sharing in their families lives day after day, is the greatest accomplishment. Catering the weddings of the kids that worked for you when they were in high school, holding their babies when they come back to visit. Hearing them say that we impacted their lives and their work ethic. Knowing that we are loved and appreciated by our community is another great blessing. We have been awarded the Best Italian Restaurant in Georgia by the Georgia Business Journal 4 years in a row. We were featured in USAToday twice for having the best pizza in the state, and have been mentioned in many other newspaper and magazine articles. None of that matters more than being loved by the people you work with and the community you serve.

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in the hospitality industry?

Quick-serve and cheap are the trends that we unfortunately see in the restaurant industry. We, however, have never been trend followers. We do things the way we have always done them, with love and care and it keeps our restaurant running at full capacity 6 days a week.

What’s your favorite beverage of choice?

I do love a sparkling Rose when I get the chance, other than that I am a fresh pressed juice girl.

Why should readers visit Deano’s in Dublin, Georgia?

Being able to sit with my customers who have become friends and enjoy a meal or a glass of wine, share life stories, hugs, and prayers.


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