Epping's On Eastside Restaurant In Lexington, Kentucky: Meet The Chef

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5 Reasons to Visit® sat down with Executive Chef Nathan Voorhees of Epping's on Eastside in Lexington, Kentucky.


Executive Chef Nathan Voorhees of Epping's on Eastside in Lexington, Kentucky

Where did you grow up, and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I’m a born and raised Cincinnatian and have deep love for some of the traditions, food and beer from that region, but I’d say my travels throughout California and the American southwest have strongly influenced my cooking. A recent road trip through the American west developed my understanding of regional Mexican and southwest cuisine and led to my passion for incorporating a variety of chiles in many of my recipes at Epping’s on Eastside.


Epping's on Eastside in Lexington, Kentucky

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself.

In my early teenage years, I had to undergo multiple surgeries on cancerous tumors in my inner ear. In the process, the doctors had to cut out nerves that controlled my taste buds. The process completely altered my palate, and I had to relearn how to taste. I went from having a sweet tooth as a kid to loving all things salty and spicy.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already.

That might be the hardest question for a chef to answer. There are too many to choose! I am absolutely a carnivore by nature, so I’m always finding new ways to prepare lesser-served proteins.I just put together a couple of delicious new rabbit features for the Epping’s menu, including a mushroom stuffed and bacon wrapped rabbit saddle served with local collard greens and a white carrot puree, garnished with the front legs prepared with a buttermilk brine.I’d encourage people to step outside of their comfort zone with meats and try something outside of the traditional chicken, pork, and beef dishes. There are so many beautiful cuts and preparations of meats that may really surprise them.


Epping's on Eastside in Lexington, Kentucky

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Salt, olive oil and dried chiles.

Neiman Marcus

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

We are a scratch kitchen at Epping’s on Eastside, making every step of our menu on-site or in our bakery, so I’ve always strived to keep my plating clean and simple enough to showcase the beauty of the ingredients themselves.


Epping's on Eastside in Lexington, Kentucky

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

The Quinoa en Nogada on our menu right now is a vegan dish that was inspired by a traditional Mexican recipe for “Chiles en Nogada,” or meat-stuffed poblano chiles covered in a walnut cream sauce. I’m proud to have taken a dish that is normally so meat-centric and have transformed it for our vegetarian and vegan customers in a way that is just as satisfying.


Epping's on Eastside in Lexington, Kentucky

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

In the past, most ethnic foods were all lumped under one overarching category—Indian, Chinese, Italian, etc. Now, we’re seeing a much more regionally-inspired approach to sharing ethnic cuisines that reflects the incredible diversity of the ingredients and preparations within each country or region.

Hilton Hotels

What’s your favorite cocktail or beverage of choice?

Bourbon on the rocks; if it’s Old Forester 1910, I’ll just take a pour of that neat.

Neiman Marcus

What do you love about being the Executive Chef of Epping's on Eastside in Lexington, Kentucky?

Honestly, I joke that as a chef, I get to play with knives and fire everyday—it’s like we’re the Lost Boys and I never have to grow up. In all seriousness, Epping’s on Eastside has an incredible small plates menu in addition to our larger entrees, and I love the freedom that this gives both our kitchen team and our customers to constantly try out new flavors and dishes. It allows me to take inspiration from all cuisines and flavor profiles and showcase them. Epping’s has weekend brunch service, weekday happy hour, a wings night, our evening dinner service, AND private events onsite, so we can really offer nearly any experience that a guest is looking for. The constant changes in menus allows my kitchen team to really flex our wings and have fun with the work.


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