Eating Fresh In Indianapolis, Indiana: Meet The Chef
We sat down with Executive Chef Ricky Phan of Eating Fresh in Indianapolis, Indiana. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, yet it is the final step that truly completes the journey. At Eating Fresh, they undertake the initial 999 miles on your behalf, meticulously gathering everything to create a space they proudly call home for their guests, allowing you to savor that final taste.
Tell us about what your morning routine looks like, and how you like to end your day?
My morning always starts with taking my son to school, drinking tea or coffee with some sweet snacks, and starting my most important part of the day, meditation for 30-60 minutes. After this I am ready to head to the restaurant and start my day. I normally come in with everything already ready in my mind, so my workflow normally goes pretty well. At the end of the day, I always do a walk-through and put everything on the task list so the next morning I am ready to rock and roll.
Do you have any awards or achievements you’d like to mention?
There are many local ones including the Indy Star, Business Journal, Indianapolis Monthly, and Indy Now. Eating Fresh was highlighted by the INDYtoday, City Editor, Nicole Hernandez during the 2025 Devour Indy WinterFest. In addition, we recently received the Great Eats Award 2025.
Do you have a favorite chef that you look up to and what advice would you give to aspiring chefs?
Chef Christine Ha (known as “The Blind Chef”) gave me a lot of inspiration. She also proved to me that cooking comes from one’s heart and natural instinct. To me, cooking is mastering the freshness that Mother Nature is trying to deliver to us for our bountiful life. The variety of ingredients are for creative purposes and exploring various moods, weather and special occasions that we are in. A true chef is the one that has the deepest gratitude to Mother Nature and does everything in their power to make sure that the freshness of food delivered to customers is at the highest quality possible.
What do you typically cook at home for yourself or your family?
Pho, “the Vietnamese ramen noodle bowl” is what I cook at home. When I told my kids that I was going to make pho for them, they know it is going to take me two days to have it ready. Making pho is the most creative thing that I like to do, the process of it is so intense that you can’t lose your attention on it. When you are first starting out, it is like teaching a baby how to walk. And when the broth is ready to go, you just let it flow on its own. My kids also love my steak, so I often cook steak for them.
What’s a food trend that you’re loving right now and why?
I am all about pho and I am into all the small bites from a fine dining experience. Eating Fresh is rolling out our fine dining experience this spring. I have been working a lot on putting this together and am very excited to finally make it available for my customers to experience it.
What’s the strangest food combination you’ve ever tried? And, did you like it?
The kimchi pho, a Vietnamese broth that is combined with Korean kimchi, making it extra spicy, adding sweetness and lime juice then grilled pork. Reading through, you can tell it is like a crazy bowl of ramen, it will blow your mind at the moment you try it.
What cocktail or beverage do you enjoy most?
I am not much into cocktails, but I like a simple black Vietnamese coffee or condensed milk coffee. I also like a fresh lime soda and fresh seasonal plum soda.
Have you ever cooked for a celebrity? Do you have a story to tell?
There are many well-known local people that have come to support and enjoy my food. However, I have not cooked for a celebrity. I am a devoted spiritual individual. It is through this devotion that leads me into a complete understanding of what Mother Nature is trying to deliver to us and it has given me a conviction of pursuing the mission of opening up Eating Fresh.
What’s your Instagram so readers can follow you?
Instagram is @eatingfresh_
Why should readers visit Eating Fresh in Indianapolis, Indiana?
There are five basic reasons to come to Eating Fresh:
Fresh food.
Passionate chef that cares and knows precisely what they need to do for their customers to have a sustainable meal.
Family and locally owned.
Giving back to the community and the planet we are living in.
A legacy for life. Eating Fresh has all five.
Everywhere I go, if I find out that a restaurant is locally owned, I go in just because I knew they put their family’s heart and soul in that food and it will be good.