Top 5 Most Inhabitable Alien Planets That Could Replace Earth Very Soon

5 planets in the universe that could be the next Earth

The more we learn about the universe, the less likely it seems that Earth is the only planet with an atmosphere that's conducive to supporting life. The University of Puerto Rico has in fact identified five other places in the universe that could be the next Earth, detailing in a new list what they consider to be the five most potentially inhabitable exoplanets, or worlds outside of our own solar system.

The 5 Most Inhabitable Alien Planets That Could Replace Earth

The 5 Most Inhabitable Alien Planets That Could Replace Earth

These are the 5 planets in the universe that could be the next Earth

1. Gliese 581g

At the top of the list is a possibly non-existent rocky world called Gliese 581g. Located 20 light-years away and two to three times larger than Earth, it was discovered in September 2010. Its existence is debated due to its suspected non-circular orbit. However, recent findings indicate that Gliese 581g is likely real and could be warm and Earth-like, residing in a "Goldilocks zone" that provides a similar surface temperature to our planet, thanks to its close distance to a red dwarf star.

2. Gliese 667Cc

Found in February 2012, this large exoplanet is about 22 light-years away and orbits a red dwarf star in Scorpius. The "super Earth" is 4.5 times bigger than Earth and takes 28 days to complete one orbit. Unlike Earth, which has one sun, Gliese 667Cc is in a system with three stars, making its night sky likely stunning.

3. Kepler-22b

This exoplanet was spotted by NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope, which has detected more than 2,300 potentially inhabitable worlds since it was first used in March 2009. Kepler-22b was the first confirmed to officially exist in the "habitable zone," or the set of conditions that a potential Earth-clone would need to meet to be deemed livable. It boasts a "balmy temperature" of 72 degrees, which would theoretically support the existence of liquid water.

4. HD 85512b

This alien world, 35 light-years away, has an estimated surface temperature of 77 degrees. HD 85512b is about 3.6 times more massive than Earth, but not much else is known. Further research is needed to determine how the exoplanet orbits its star. Questions remain about whether it is a rocky, Earth-like planet, if it has an atmosphere, and how that atmosphere compares to Earth's, Venus', or Mars'. The answers are still unknown.

5. Gliese 581

The largest exoplanet on the list is roughly seven times as massive as Earth, and orbits the same sun as its Gliese siblings. Discovered in 2007, Gliese 581 is probably too cold to be habitable, although recent studies suggest it could in fact be warmed by greenhouse gases, which gives it some potential to harbor life.

Astronomers have found more than 700 planets beyond our solar system, and thousands more await confirmation by follow-up observations. Many of these alien worlds are too hot or too cold to support life as we know it, but researchers have found a few that appear to be much more hospitable. Which planet would you move to?

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