MEET THE CHEF: Adam Padilla of Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York

Hilton Hotels


PUBLISHED JULY 2022 • 4 min read

5 Reasons to Visit® sat down with Executive Chef Adam Padilla of Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York.

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Executive Chef Adam Padilla of Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York

Where did you grow up, and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I am a Hudson Valley local! I grew up in the small town of Highland Falls right outside of West Point, New York and graduated from the Culinary Institute of America. I have spent time in Italy, Spain, Puerto Rico, Portugal, and Romania. Each one of these cultures has their own take on food and it’s been incredible for me personally to experience them! Additionally, my Fiancé is a Sommelier and I often ask her questions when designing menus. We join forces at home and put together great dinner parties!

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Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself.

Traveling is my ultimate passion. Seeing and experiencing new places with my family is one of my favorite things to do!

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already.

Risotto! It is a dish known by many and correctly executed by few. It is versatile and can be paired with various vegetables and seafood. The technique and taste take time to perfect, but the journey is well worth it.

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Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Salt, butter and an excellent Portuguese olive oil.

Neiman Marcus

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

Designing a dish takes time. First, I think about the flavors I want to establish. Then I proceed with color, textural components, aroma, garnishes and execution. Food is eaten with the eyes first and the nose second. That attraction needs to happen immediately when the dish is presented in front of the guest. Often an idea evolves many times before the final product is put on the menu.

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Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

I really enjoy octopus. It’s a fascinating ingredient that I love to work and pair with other seafood—I recently made a Grilled Hawaiian Octopus with saki poached Kauai prawns, roasted Okinawa sweet potato, pickled sea beans, chorizo crema, charred frisée, and micro-wasabi.

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Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

I think what we are seeing are revisits of the basics. Focus on local farms and suppliers, fermentation and other drying and preserving techniques.

Hilton Hotels

What’s your favorite cocktail or beverage of choice?

I am an Old Fashioned type of guy on most occasions—Unless it’s a party with family and friends, then bring on the Margaritas!

Neiman Marcus

What do you love about being the Executive Chef of Shadows on the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, New York?

Shadows on the Hudson is located on the Hudson River in the Hudson Valley. The restaurant has an absolutely beautiful view, access to local Hudson Valley produce and fresh seafood. It’s been awesome to run a culinary program like this in my home area.

Thrifty Rent-A-Car System, Inc.

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