The Yellow Carrot Restaurant In Durango, Colorado: Meet The Chef

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5 Reasons to Visit® sat down with award-winning Executive Chef Sari Suzanne Seedorf of The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado.

The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado

Where did you grow up, and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and spent much of my childhood summers on my grandparent’s farm eating and stewarding delicious produce my grandfather grew each year. I have traveled extensively and have always had a deep desire to learn and investigate all of the delicious ingredients created by the Earth. I approach food and the gifts we have been given from this precious Earth from a place of honor to infuse it with love, joy and beauty to tantalizing one’s senses creating a new paradigm for food and the world. My presentation and food style comes from the depths of my soul. I often share the food I create “is a story about my soul.”

The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself that reflects your cooking style?

I named my restaurant The Yellow Carrot on a “nudge” from my intuition. A few years later after opening my business, I learned form a Turkish guest that my first name, Sari, translates to yellow in the Turkish language. This synchronization is one of many infinite reasons I cook the way I do—to form a divine space to touch the lives of every creature I meet with boldness, courage, eccentricity, and infinite enthusiasm for humans and life. My food, restaurant and the unique dishes I create challenge and guide people to see the world in a different way.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already.

I love and adore all food, all of it, from a soul level. However, two of my absolute loves are spinach and garden peas. The are one of the most underestimated resources of protein and pure joy you could possibly imagine. I secretly infuse spinach and peas into many of my dishes as they immediately raise your frequency and bring a level of love to your heart that exudes joy from your body effortlessly.

The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Soy sauce, butter and my soul.

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We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

I not only love the art of preparing amazing dishes, I love to research the vessels my cuisine goes on. I spend much of my time designing and having the actual vessel produced by woodworkers, metal designers and potters. I will create or purchase the vessel first and then be inspired to create the actual dish. I LOVE color: Vibrant, satiating colors to massage one’s eyes and uplift the heart before instilling their body with the nourishment of an extraordinary sublime meal from my heart and the Earth.

The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

Without a doubt, my sweet potato encrusted eggplant parmesan, as simple as it sounds, is my show stopper. It is cut, marinated and breaded in sweet potato crumbs made in-house, flash-fried and hangs from a stand which you cut with scissors to eat. It is infused with layers of flavor, melts in your mouth like butter and deconstructed with several of my dipping emulsions, housemade beet-infused angel hair pasta and my fresh housemade cheeses and fresh herbs.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments and/or recent awards you've earned?

Being considered not only a chef, but an artist by the community. I consider this a gift to be an artist and I share them to inspire and uplift the hearts of humanity through food. I also have created The Yellow Carrot Snack Company with an extensive product line I sell statewide. My sweet potato chips and beet chips are 100% sustainable, and insanely delicious. It is one of my greatest accomplishments as I get it to market this year.

The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

Chef-driven mocktails have become a new hit and we have created many of our own.

What’s your favorite cocktail or beverage of choice?

My drink of choice is a spinach smoothie. I use one pound of spinach with tomatoes, fresh-pressed orange juice, garlic, cilantro, and cucumbers. It is delicious.

The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado

What do you love about being the Executive Chef, Pastry Chef and Owner of The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado?

I love to inspire humans and infuse them with the life force prana they deserve. I love to fall in love with the happiness of others and deliver the happiness they seek. I am incredibly grateful to be a female in this industry, pioneering and inspiring other females to live out their true mission and purpose and to embody their dream. My position as the Executive Chef, Pastry Chef and Owner is nothing but a gift to inspire humanity and help heal the soul of the world. I am honored and grateful to do so everyday.


The Yellow Carrot in Durango, Colorado

Note: This information was accurate when this article was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

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