MEET THE CHEF: Francesco d'Amuri of L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut

Hilton Hotels

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5 Reasons to Visit® sat down with Executive Chef Francesco d'Amuri of L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut.


Executive Chef Francesco d'Amuri of L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut

Where did you grow up, and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I grew up in Italy in a town called Francavilla Fontana. It's in the region of Puglia. It has a big farming population well known for its production of extra virgin olive, amongst many other things that are grown there, it’s a place where people grow their own food or buy directly from others growing in their community. The food is all about using what they have and the finest, freshest ingredients—simple and delicious. It's a place that up until a few years ago you couldn't buy an orange in the supermarket if they weren't in season.


L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself.

Italian food is really about the ingredients you use and highlighting them, that can often be lost in translation with the over use of things like garlic or too much red pepper or covering something with a ton of cheese. That really isn't what Italian food is about, It's simple, balanced and subtle. That's the type of food we are crafting in our restaurant.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already.

One of my  favorite things to eat and that I miss from the many years I spent there is what many call the official sandwich of Florence Paninio: con il Lampredotto. It's the fourth and last stomach of a cow that is slow cooked with tomato, onion, parsley, and celery until it’s tender. It's a street food and if you are ever meandering through the beautiful streets of Florence and you see someone selling them, eat one!


L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

The first press extra virgin olive oil that my family makes every year with the olives we grow on our property, as well as sea salt and tomatoes from the garden.

Neiman Marcus

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

When designing a dish I focus mostly on the balance of the ingredients to create the taste I'm looking for. The best garnish a dish can ever have is steam coming off of it because someone just made and it hasn't been sitting in the window waiting to get gussied up.

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

Tonno al Aceto Balsamico: Sushi grade yellow fin tuna pan sautéed in a shallot, balsamic reduction served with an arugula salad. I love the play of sweet and sour with the "spiciness" of the arugula.


L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut

What is one of your greatest accomplishments and/or recent awards you've earned?

On February 11, 2023 we will have be in business for 20 years. It was a long road getting here, but being a local favorite after 20 years creating food and experiences for our customers is a huge accomplishment. One my wife and I are very proud of!

Hilton Hotels

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

I see many restaurants trying to return to simplicity.

What’s your favorite cocktail or beverage of choice?



L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut

What do you love about being the Executive Chef of L’Orcio in New Haven, Connecticut?

I love how the food I create not only becomes a part of people's memories, it becomes a part of their story.

Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd.

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