Café Mamo In Grand Rapids, Michigan: Meet The Chef

We sat down with Executive Chef Michael Goessman of Café Mamo. Café Mamo in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is a cozy, farm-to-table restaurant known for its commitment to locally-sourced ingredients and sustainability. This intimate café focuses on seasonal dishes that showcase the best of the region's produce, offering a menu that changes frequently to reflect what's fresh and available.

about cafe mamo grand rapids

Image: Executive Chef Michael Goessman of Café Mamo in Grand Rapids, Michigan

With its minimalist design and welcoming atmosphere, Café Mamo is the perfect spot for foodies who appreciate creative, thoughtfully prepared meals. Café Mamo’s dedication to quality and flavor makes it a standout dining destination in Grand Rapids.

1. Tell us about what your morning routine looks like, and how you like to end your day?

I like to wake up and go to bed playing with our 8 month old daughter. That and a cup of coffee and maybe a pastry to start my day. When I show up to the restaurant I always sit down and write out my plan for the day, check inventory and the prep schedule and then get going.

about cafe mamo grand rapids

Image: Café Mamo in Grand Rapids, Michigan

In the evenings, its nice to have some time to sit outside at home and relax a bit. We are constantly changing our menu and I communicate with most of my purveyors over text, so the time, however brief, where I can sit and empty out my thoughts is greatly cherished.


2. Do you have a favorite chef that you look up to and what advice would you give to aspiring chefs?

The chef I look up to most is Alice Waters because of her inspiring work she has done for her community and her commitment to local sourcing.It really inspires a lot of what we strive for at Cafe Mamo. My advice to aspiring chefs is to listen and do the hard work. Pick up shifts, be engaged, come early, stay late, listen the best and learn the most.

3. What do you typically cook at home? 

I have always loved making chicken at home. The Half Chicken at Cafe Mamo was invented in my kitchen at home, it's something I love making. It's pot pie and roasts in the colder months, and grill, grill, grill all summer long. I LOVE some barbecued chicken legs.

4. What’s a food trend that you’re loving right now and why?

Trends are not my thing, and simplicity will always rule for me. I am inspired by vegetable forward menus. Seeing so many great chefs choose to express the beauty of their region's produce is more beautiful to me than any sort of social media trend to get clicks.

about cafe mamo grand rapids

Image: Café Mamo in Grand Rapids, Michigan

5. What’s the strangest food combination you’ve ever tried? And, did you like it?

Goat brains sandwiched between orange waffles. That doesn’t sound like something anyone should eat, but it was absolutely delicious. The brains were quite smooth and creamy, sort of reminded me of foie gras.

6. Have you ever cooked for a celebrity? Do you have a story to tell?

I have cooked for a bunch of celebrities. One of my first chefs always told us to treat them like a normal customer, because that is what everyone wants. So I am sworn to secrecy.

about cafe mamo grand rapids

Image: Café Mamo in Grand Rapids, Michigan

7. What’s your Instagram so readers can follow you?

@cafe_mamo_ is the restaurant’s handle and where I post all of the food in my life. @michaeltgoessman if you want to see pictures of ice cream cones.

8. Do you have any awards or achievements you’d like to mention?

No, but owning and operating a successful restaurant feels like wearing a gold medal.

9. What cocktail or beverage do you enjoy most?

Recently, I have been enjoying lots of n/a beverages. I love a nice sparkling water. When I do drink, its always with food, so you simply cannot beat a good glass of wine. Southern Michigan has a pretty delicious wine scene, so you would likely catch me drinking something from my friends at Modales or Wyncroft.

about cafe mamo grand rapids

Image: Café Mamo in Grand Rapids, Michigan

10. Tell our readers why they should visit Cali Alley?

If you are hungry you should visit us! I like to think that at any giving moment, what we serve at the restaurant is what West Michigan tastes like. You can tour this part of the state plate by plate at Cafe Mamo!

Note: This information was accurate when this article was published, but can change without notice. Be sure to confirm all details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

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