MEET THE CHEF: Didier Montarou of Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts


Hilton Hotels

5 Reasons to Visit® by sat down with Executive Chef Didier Montarou of Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts.

Executive Chef Didier Montarou of Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Executive Chef Didier Montarou of Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Where did you grow up and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I grew up in La Loire Valley region of France. The places I have stayed include Spain, England, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and Canada. Places traveled to include Sweden, Switzerland, Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, Paraguay, Panama and many Caribbean Islands.

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already. 

I don’t have a favorite food and I enjoy experiencing food from all the countries I have traveled to. In Spain, fresh seafood is the most memorable.

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Chocolate, honey and extra virgin olive oil.

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

Getting a list of ingredients that interests the clientele, deepening on the location. Prioritize seasonal and abundant ingredients, choose different textures. I love using vegetable purée. I always look for simplicity and a maximum of four ingredients.

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Miel Brasserie at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts

Share your most recent awards and accreditations with us! 

I haven’t received recent official awards, but the best award is when a colleague calls me to say “thanks for being a good mentor and for guiding me on the right path.”

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

Eco-friendly, sustainability, reduce carbon footprint, reduce waste, healthy consciousness, social media, meat alternatives, smaller menus, ordering and payment technology, and ease of grab-and-go.

What’s your favorite cocktail or drink of choice?

Santa Teresa 1796 Dark Rum on ice.

What do you love about being the Executive Chef at Miel at InterContinental Boston in Boston, Massachusetts?

To share my passion, loyalty, dedication, and express my creativity. This makes people happy; not only the guests, but our colleagues as well. The balance between the culinary and the administration, financial aspect of the position is exciting. Becoming the teacher… and the teacher becomes the student.


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