MEET THE CHEF: Ryne Harwick of Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin


Hilton Hotels

Tripveel sat down with Executive Chef Ryne Harwick of Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Executive Chef Ryne Harwick of Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Executive Chef Ryne Harwick of Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Where did you grow up and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I grew up in Elkhorn, Wisconsin and really want my food to reflect the area and climate zone in which I live. In terms of travel, I fell in love with how unique regional cuisine is throughout the world and I want that to be the basis of the Hunt Club Steakhouse as well. I was raised in a small farm town littered with dairy, swine, beef, chicken and vegetable farms around every turn and that is what I want our diners to experience. Wisconsin has so many beautiful farms and people to work with, so we can gather all the inspiration we need right here in our small community.

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself. 

My wife and I just recently bought land so we can farm for the restaurant and really see how far we can push a sustainable concept on a steakhouse platform.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already. 

My favorite food, which I almost never eat unless I’m making them, is a Canele. It’s a French pasty that has everything you want in food: great texture, simple solid flavors and it’s sweet, so that always goes a long way in my decision. If you haven’t tried these, they are crunchy and caramelized on the outside and soft and sweet on the inside with notes of vanilla and rum. It literally doesn’t get better.

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Butter, shallot and thyme.... These simple ingredients can add such depth to a plethora of recipes; these are ingredients this restaurant does not go without.

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

So much effort is put into the product we bring in—be it in the field or kitchen. We strive to cook and utilize the product to the best of our abilities, as our diners truly deserve a plate that has not only been meticulously cooked, but plated as well. Our guests expect a certain “wow” factor when they dine with us, and it really is important for us to put all of our efforts into creating a dish that looks as good as it tastes.

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

I did a roasted parsnip pudding one time that was pretty wild. Essentially we did a savory pudding by steeping roasted parsnips in milk and cream and then smoking the liquid afterwards. We served it with a duck fat confit parsnip, candied hazelnuts, aged Parmesan and crisp duck praline. We’ve had some fun dishes, but this one sticks out as one that will always be remembered.

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Share your most recent awards and accreditations with us! 

I don’t actually have any awards or accolades... yet. I don’t cook for awards, or notoriety, I cook because this is what I love to do and it gives me an outlet to pass on the limited knowledge I do have to others and watch them succeed as well. I have won a chili cook-off or two, as well as a burger throw down or two and our restaurant has been recognized by Wine Spectator for 14 consecutive years.

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

Sustainability and more vegetables featured as the star pieces of dishes will and have been the most common trends we have seen recently. As a chef I couldn’t agree more. Making our guests aware of the practices we use and providing more health-conscious and paleo options are a great way to expand our clientele as well as expand our own cooking practices. I’m sure we will see a huge increase in these types of menu options.

What’s your favorite cocktail or drink of choice?

My go-to cocktail is a Woodford old fashioned, sweet no soda. Straight to the point, just like me.

What do you love about being the Executive Chef at Hunt Club Steakhouse in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin?

My favorite thing about being at the Hunt Club Steakhouse is teaching; it’s easily the most rewarding part of the job. I take pride in my staff and the work we do, not in the work I do. A restaurant is decided not on how well one individual performs, but how well the team works together. The bond you have with a team of cooks is something most will never have the pleasure of knowing but for which I am truly thankful.

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Hunt Club Steakhouse at Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin


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