MEET THE CHEF: Brian Crow of Chestnut in Asheville, North Carolina


Hilton Hotels

Tripveel sat down with Executive Chef Brian Crow of Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina.

Executive Chef Brian Crow of Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Executive Chef Brian Crow of Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Where did you grow up and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I grew up in Western North Carolina in a small town called Brevard, “the land of waterfalls.” I have traveled and lived in many places in the United States. Chicago, Denver and San Diego specifically inspired me from a bigger market perspective. Each region has its own culinary inspiration, but my tenure in Denver really shaped my culinary career because it pushed me to try new flavor profiles. Also, traveling to several Latin American countries has made me appreciate all the fresh and unique fruits they produce.

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself. 

I have 6 siblings! That built a lot of character growing up. I'm a pretty good Texas Holdem player, and I’ve won a couple tournaments.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already. 

Anything that comes from the pig is always a win for me, but hey, I’m from the South! I’m a big fan of ramps as well... they’re only available for a month or two each year. We do a ramp- inspired guest chef dinner every year, which is a lot of fun.

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

Salt, butter and citrus.

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

I love putting together colors that are very vibrant and give a “wow” presentation. Also, incorporating textures like fried parsnips that add height but also taste and look very nice. A perfectly-cooked protein which you can showcase in design is always exciting.

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

That’s a tough question. This summer, I played with the classic Wellington but instead crafted a BBQ rabbit for the filling with roasted local mushrooms, smoked gouda cheese and BBQ grilled baby carrots on a bed of arugula. I included a rabbit demi glace as well. It was quite delicious and a unique twist on a classic.

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina

Share your most recent awards and accreditations with us! 

I recently won a local cheese festival competition, which was a lot of fun. When I was in Denver, Zagat named me one of “Top 30 Under 30 Chefs” in the region.

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

Faux meat is definitely has been having its moment this year, but it will probably calm down soon. More noticeably is the trend of source stories. I think people care more about sourcing than they ever had before, and more and more restaurants are adapting to that desire.

What’s your favorite cocktail or liquor?

Bourbon and whiskey, for sure. Obviously, an Old Fashioned is my go-to, but I love a good dirty martini with bleu cheese stuffed olives, or a chocolate martini for dessert.

What do you love about being the Executive Chef at Chestnut Restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina?

I couldn’t ask for a better staff. I love my cooks’ passion and desire to always grow and be better. The restaurant owners are always supportive of me, and I love being creative with all the menus at my discretion. Company culture, owner support, and boundless creativity. What more could you ask for?


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