MEET THE CHEF: Derek Gerry of Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts


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Tripveel sat down with Executive Chef Derek Gerry of Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts.

Executive Chef Derek Gerry of Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts

Executive Chef Derek Gerry of Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts

Where did you grow up and where have you traveled to that has helped inspire and shape your cooking philosophy? 

I grew up in Massachusetts and have traveled the country. I have been inspired by all my previous chef’s that I have worked with and under. But also, my grandmother’s cooking and I enjoy reading cookbooks by other master chefs. What inspires me the most is reading cookbooks and trying new techniques and recipes I find in both old and new cookbooks. People are always asking me this question and I feel like a nerd when I say cookbooks. I must have one large library of these books.

Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts

Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts

Tell our readers an interesting fact or two about yourself. 

I love to learn, like I stated above I am a nerd chef, I read and try and try again. Over the past few years, I have really started to bake. I started cooking when I was young, advanced in line cooking and then decided to try baking which is similar to cooking, but baking as I have learned is a different animal.

Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already. 

Pasta, pasta and pasta. Just the variety of the different types and what you can do with pasta. People love my pasta dishes.

What are three ingredients that you simply couldn’t live without? 

I love to use the basics: garlic, onions and basil. But try to use organic and always fresh. I don’t use dried herbs, I go to the farmers market and buy fresh, local ingredients. I can tell the difference. I also have been dabbling in growing our own. In fact, I thought I grew a lot of basil and I use so much of it I ran out in just a few weeks. Also, I make my own stocks from these fresh ingredients and would also recommend using scratch made stock for your soups and sauces.

We love the art behind plating. What do you love about designing the perfect dish?

I am not the biggest arts fan. I let the food speak loudly on the plate. But I do love when people look into the kitchen to see what plates are in window—their face says it all.

Tell us about one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

Fire roasted tomato caprese soup. This one sells like crazy, I get requests for it all the time. It’s my secret recipe.

Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts

Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts

Share your most recent awards and accreditations with us! 

I won first place in Williamstown Winter Festival’s Soup Challenge. As we have only been open for two years, I have not participated in a lot.

What are some of the latest trends you’re seeing in top restaurants across the globe?

Allery and food sensitivity, we cater to all. One of our owners has some strict food sensitivities and we have designed a menu that is easy for people to navigate their own needs. We also accommodate with high satisfaction, people’s needs in this area.

What’s your favorite cocktail or drink of choice?

We have a cocktail here called Roaring Brook. We use a local Berkshire bourbon with fresh lime juice and maple syrup.

What do you love about being the Executive Chef at Trail House Kitchen & Bar in North Adams, Massachusetts?

I enjoy being the Executive Chef at Trail House because it pushes me to be creative and use all my cooking skills and recipes I have learned from my cookbooks. We have an open kitchen and when people leave, they are always thanking me for there meal. It is great to see. Also, once they come back they look into the kitchen and say hi and ask me what the specials are before even being seated.


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