MEET THE CHEF: Stéphane Modat of Fairmont Le Château Frontenac, Québec City, Québec

Tripveel sat down with Chef Stéphane Modat of Le Champlain at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac.

Chef Deepak Mishra, The Langham, Melbourne

Tripveel: Tell us about your absolute favorite food and why readers should try it if they haven’t already.

Chef Modat: I like all kinds of foods as long as they have a story about them and their culture. I am a fervent defender of the game meat because it is prohibited for sale in the restaurants while I believe it is the genuine expression of our terroir. I recommend moose, which is simply magical!

Tripveel: When did you get your calling to become a chef?

Chef Modat: For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to become a chef!

Tripveel: What are 3 ingredients you couldn’t live without?

Chef Modat: Salt, bread and butter.


Tripveel: We love plating. Does designing the perfect dish give you a rush?

Chef Modat: I think we eat first with the eyes so it is very important to cook a great experience both tasteful and beautiful.

Tripveel: What’s one of the most creative dishes you’ve created?

Chef Modat: I think they are equally creative, I try to improve myself through each dish I create.

Tripveel: Share your most recent awards and accreditations with us!

Chef Modat: I just won the award of 2017 Best Chef of Quebec City, making me in the run for Best chef of the Province of Quebec (awarded by the Société des chefs, cuisiniers et pâtissiers du Québec) that will take place in the upcoming months.


Tripveel: What’s the latest trend in molecular gastronomy?

Chef Modat: I don’t work the molecular aspect in my cooking.

Tripveel: Where have you traveled that inspires you the most?

Chef Modat: The great Canadian north, which is isolated and where the first nations still live as in the old days.

Tripveel: What’s your favorite cocktail?

Chef Modat: Campari Spritz.

Tripveel: What do you love about being the Executive Chef at Le Champlain at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac?

Chef Modat: To be able to make this institution shine as best as it could!


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